Board of Secondary Education Karachi was established in 1974 to complete the requirements of secondary level education in the metropolitan city Karachi. Intermediate education board (BIEK) was also established alongside BSEK which is responsible for the intermediate level education of the city. Karachi is the only area where secondary intermediate level board are separate and the reason for this separation is the large population of Karachi which makes it very difficult for a single board to administer secondary and higher secondary level education collectively. All the public and private schools in Karachi are affiliated with BSEK while large number of private students also registers themselves for the 9th and 10th class exams under BSEK every year.
All the schools in Karachi start admission process for 9th and 10th class according to the directions by BSEK. New classes of SSC part 1 & 2 start in April while admission and registration process for these exams is initiated by BSEK couple of months before the start of classes in order to complete the admission process in time for the students of 9th and 10th class.
BSEK is an important board and it maintains its standard of education with the use of new paper pattern and syllabus from time to time. In order to inform the students about the changes adopted by the board, BSEK releases model papers every year which are made according to the latest paper pattern and syllabus of the board. Along with that, the students can also get clue about the important questions about the matric level exams of BSEK by reading past papers of the board which are easily available from the market.
BSEK announces the date sheet of 9th and 10th class exams in January every year while the SSC part 1 & 2 level exams are organized by the board usually in the months of March and April. Date sheet can be seen at the official site of BSEK. The roll number slips of the students are issued in February and these roll number slips are dispatched to the addresses of the students. Date sheets and roll number slips of the matric class are issued separately by the board.
BSEK organizes the 9th and 10th class annual exams during the months of March and April for both arts and science students. After two or three months in June or July, the board announces the results of these SSC part 1 & 2 annual exams. Results of position holder students are announced one day before the normal result announcement.